Follow the Sun

Spiritualizing our 
Bridge to the Outer World

 by Jef Bartow

Moving beyond Mars, we begin the transition from the inner purely personality planets to those of our higher nature and spiritual core. For undeveloped humanity and in building a personality, Jupiter represents our assumed ethical standards and beliefs. It represents how we seek to grow and expand as well as our enthusiasm and optimism in life.

At this level, Jupiter represents our imaginative nature. As we are growing up, we use our imagination to see our success in the outer world; our fame and fortune and our ultimate social status. This function of Jupiter provides a means of socialization and how we seek integration with the outer world. It seems fitting that the imagined social position is usually somewhat exaggerated beyond the reality of the situation. This is one of the affects of Jupiter. It expands and exaggerates everything it comes in contact with.

Transformed, Jupiter relinquishes its function in our imagination and becomes our karmic goodwill and rewards from the past; our ability to share our spiritual abundance and our faculty for growth of knowledge and understanding. In essence, it represents the causal body. The causal body is our stored essence from all of our personality lives. In total, it is the character of our soul and what we have to share in our current lifetime. In this respect, it is our bridge to the outer world in a positive and spiritual way.

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So, what does it take to spiritualize this bridge? As has been explained in each previous article regarding the process for spiritualizing each planet, we first look to where Jupiter resides in our birth chart. The natal house for Jupiter represents the most natural and easy activities and areas of life where we can spiritualize our Jupiter. If Jupiter resides in the 10th house at birth, then building our social bridge will come through career, working in the outer world directly and in developing relationships with those in authority (all 10th house areas of life). It's as though one has to be in the world to build a bridge to the world.

In this example, let's put Jupiter in Libra in the 10th house. Since Libra is a Cardinal sign, this individual needs to be active, dynamic, resourceful, energetic and progressive (all Cardinal qualities) while building this bridge to the outer world. With Libra as an air sign, this person's natural tendency will be to be flexible, balanced, versatile, thoughtful and appreciative in dealing with authority figures and career. All in all, a nice combination for building a positive bridge to the outer world.

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With Venus as the ruler of Jupiter in Libra, our second step is to look where Venus is in the birth chart for additional areas to assist this bridge building. If Venus is in Aquarius natally, this would normally put Venus in the first or second house in this birth chart, depending on the specific birth time. If in the second house, then this individual's natural orientation is to be inventive, individualistic, self-sufficient, freedom loving and humanitarian (all Aquarius characteristics) in how they give and receive love, value others and attract and appreciate people (all Venus functions). This will not only help them build their sense of self-esteem, worth, abilities, talents and financial stability (all second house activities), but also assist directly in building a positive and effective bridge to the outer world, with those in authority and in their career.

The next step in our process is to look to the natural home of Jupiter as additional areas of life and focus regarding the needs of Jupiter. Jupiter naturally rules Sagittarius and the ninth house. Jupiter in Libra in the 10th house normally puts Virgo on the ninth house cusp and Sagittarius on the 12 house cusp. So, by being adaptable, versatile, responsive, observant and sociable (Virgo’s mutable qualities) in developing a philosophy for life, approaching higher education and their own spirituality in life (ninth house activities) will also help spiritualize Jupiter’s bridge to the outer world. Sagittarius on the 12 house suggests that by being adaptable, versatile, flexible and sociable in dealing with those less fortunate, overcoming past karma and in pursuing one's spiritual work (mutable qualities in 12 house activities) all will further contribute to spiritualizing Jupiter's bridge to the outer world.

Although not discussed in the last few articles, each transiting cycle of each planet around the mandala of our birth chart provides a very important focus in spiritualizing each and every planet. For Jupiter, its entire 360° cycle is about 12 years. Therefore, it spends about one year in each house and highlights that house in spiritualizing our internal Jupiter. In our example, a specific focus on the outer world (Jupiter's return to its natal position) would come every 12 years or about the ages of 24, 36, 48, etc.

More importantly, each year will provide a different specific opportunity to help us spiritualize our bridge to the outer world. For example, as Jupiter is transiting our natal fifth house, specific focus on our creativity, involvement with children, and on our romantic and leisure activities will help us spiritualize our bridge to the outer world. It will further help us develop our ability to share our spiritual abundance and karmic goodwill while further developing our growth of knowledge and understanding (transformed functions of Jupiter). In our example, this would tend to be at the ages of 21, 33, 45, 57, etc. 

Simply referring to an ephemeris and our natal chart can tell each of us specifically when Jupiter is transiting each house in our birth chart. With an astrology computer program, you can also easily see these transits with specific interpretations in your life. This can become a very powerful tool in your tool bag for spiritual growth.

As a further example, I have Jupiter in Aries in the fifth house in my birth chart ruled by Mars which is in Taurus in my six house natally. This indicates that spiritualizing my bridge to the outer world will be highly influenced by my creativity, romantic and leisure activities and my work, service to others in daily routine (fifth and sixth house activities). I've already discussed how my creative solutions and helping my clients and their employees facilitated my spiritual growth.

Beyond that, I ended up playing golf with my clients as a dual form of developing the relationship and enjoying a leisure activity. For much of my time as a business consultant, I lived alone and single and therefore my bridge to the outer world came through my work and my dating life. My romantic interests provided a powerful way for me to spiritualize my connection to women and my leisure time interest in wine tasting and golf were the primary ways I socialized in the world and spiritualized my orientation to friends and humans.

Of course, with Jupiter in Aries in the fifth house it was accelerated by me being initiating, resourceful, dynamic and energetic in my creative self expression (Aries qualities in the fifth house). I accomplished this by periodic wine tastings, inventive parties and holiday dinners in my downtown loft overlooking the Mississippi River. For a number of years, I hosted a jazz/wine pre-fest to the Memphis blues festival on the River. In my social groups, everyone always wanted to know when my next party was going to be.

Jupiter is a fantastic expanding growth oriented function within us. Spiritualizing it through the energetic opportunities outlined in astrology can go a long way towards each of us not only spiritualizing within, but spiritualizing our bridge to the outer world.