Finally, after having spent significant effort in learning to conscious dream, or lucid dream, I had multiple dreaming experiences in which the objects around me became as distinct, hard and physical like as in my waking consciousness. The dream experiences were just as multileveled as they are in our everyday waking consciousness, where we simultaneously can be thinking, feeling and experiencing objective physicality.

So, what is the energetic makeup of our parallel virtual physicality? In the last article, I remarked that I've concluded it is organized by sets of three. The terms I use for this triplicity are Energy, Form and Consciousness. Just as easily this can be seen as Processes, Systems and Existence. In order for our outer physicality to be as sharply explicit and clear as it is comes from the subjective Process of Definition which is explicated into outer objectivity. Subjective Processes (Energies, Forces, etc.) at every level unfold out into objectivity and assists all life in becoming objectified.
Take a Journey through our 
Spirit/Matter Universe

Our Virtual Physicality

by Jef Bartow

In our last article, I identified how even science is coming to the conclusion that there is least some form of parallel universe to the one we typically know and explore. Some even surmise that there is an infinite number of parallel universes, with each of us running around living some form of life. Unfortunately, that does not make much sense metaphysically or theologically.

Our subjective Physical Realm is most likely made up of the virtual particles discovered by science. As already mentioned: "... the vacuum of modern particle physics is teeming with activity. It is a bubbling, brewing source of matter and energy; it may even contain most of the matter of the universe!" I would have to disagree with the last part of that statement in that the Subjective is generally not as concretely formed as objectivity. As will be described, I conclude it is just as formed, defined and capable of carrying consciousness, but measuring it in terms of mass (in science) is inappropriate.

If you been watching the TV show Fringe, you can understand how fascinating it is to think that there is a parallel universe in which we all exist and live, but differently based on different choices and behaviors which mold life over time. My first experiences with the subjective Realms were somewhat similar. I would suddenly see a clear scene of people and activities separate and distinct from my waking reality. Most objective outer-oriented humans would dismiss these as hallucinations. Later, I experienced the process of walking from within a dream to a completely separate set of people and activities that seemed less dreamlike and more real.

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Understanding the meaning of Definition will help us here. Webster's Dictionary explains definition as "a putting or being in clear, sharp outline" and "a making or being definite, explicit, and clear." Defining, as a process, is "to determine or set down the boundaries of, to trace the precise outlines of" and to "delineate." 

Let's highlight explicit and explicate as part of definition to help us clarify the Process of Definition. Explicit means "clearly stated leaving nothing implied; distinctly expressed; plain to see." In David Bohm's scientific model of the universe, explication is a process that unfolds the higher implicate orders (higher Planes and Realms) into the explicate order (i.e. materialized Objectivity). Definition is, therefore, the explicating Process that unfolds the higher and subjective nature into an objective physicality.

Our parallel subjective nature at this level is defined by the Form or Systems of the "energy body." I use the term energy body from the teachings of don Juan Matus. The energy body is the "counterpart to the physical Body. A ghostlike configuration made of pure energy.... Through dreaming we condense the energy Body into a unit capable of perceiving.... It has its own sphere." The energy body is a "mirror image" of our physical body.

In metaphysics and Eastern mysticism, there are many teachings concerning our etheric body, or etheric double. Many descriptions could easily be taken for the energy body just described. The Tibetan also uses the term "vital body" virtually interchangeable with etheric body. From close scrutiny of his writings, I conclude that his term vital body is the energy body. The vital body 
"is the expression of the soul energy… It unifies and links into one whole the sum total of all forms… This web of life is the subjective analogy to the nervous system." 

"Back of the objective universe is the subtler sensitive body -- one organism, not many, one sentient, responsive, connected form… It is a physical correspondence to the inner light body we call the soul body, the spiritual body."
Since The Tibetan says that our dense physical universe is not a principle within this period of manifestation, I conclude that our subjective energy body is the inner or subjective counterpart to our outer etheric double, or etheric body.

The Consciousness that we can develop and use in the subjective counterpart to our outer physical universe is also best described from Eastern mysticism and the teachings of don Juan Matus. Lama Anagarika Govinda interprets the teachings of the Buddha and (I conclude) identifies our subjective physical form of consciousness. "’Sun’ and ‘moon’ correspond to the forces of day and night, to the outwardly directed activity of the ‘warrior’ in the inwardly directed activity of the ‘priest’. The perfect man (the Enlightened One), however, combines both sides of reality: he unites within himself the depths of the night and the light of day." 

The teachings of Lao Tzu help to better identify the double. From concentrating the life forces inwardly, a "homunculus" takes "shape in the depths of the body" and becomes the "offspring of the union of k’an and li." The homunculus is a "dwarf" or "little man." It is the "immortal soul" in the body.

Don Juan uses the term "double" to identify the subjective (nagual) consciousness counterpart to our outer physical self. By focusing life and sexual energy inwardly, we can develop the double as an independent conscious awareness that can perceive and act throughout the Subjective. When fully developed, the "double is indistinguishable from the original." Most all of Carlos Castaneda's direct experience with don Genaro (don Juan’s peer) was with Genaro's double, not his objective physical self.

The results of fortifying the subjective energy body and developing the subjective double are that we gain the ability to explore the multilayered reality of the Subjective through "Dreaming." This subjective side of spiritual growth allows us to overcome death and gain "freedom" into "infinity" (i.e. eternal existence within higher subjective Realms). On the other hand, the more we develop the subjective side of our physical nature, the more we can use the Processes of Definition in delineating, putting in clear explicit form and explicating our higher subjective soul and Beingness into outer objective expression. Either way, we resolve our outer material karma and become the inner spiritual Being that is our potential.