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 Do I need to become a member of your community?

No, you do not have to.  Our community is open to everyone.  By providing us information about yourself, we can better help you get which you need from Living Spirit.  

Without a physical meeting place, how do we interact and relate?

The Internet is rapidly breaking down barriers to communication across distances.  Today, e-mail is replacing much written correspondence.  Instant messaging is becoming almost as effective as a telephone.

A leading edge solution, which is now a reality for all of us, is video-conferencing.  With high-speed Internet connections and a video camera, we have a way to interact just like being in the same room.

This does not mean that we will not meet periodically for conferences and retreats.  It only means that we can create a spiritual community that is not bound by three-dimensional space.

How does the Living Spirit community differ from spiritual organizations?

The vast majority of spiritual organizations are focused on helping the beginner and intermediate spiritual aspirant on the Spiritual Path.  Our focus is not to replace these organizations with a better way, but to provide a synergistic means for individuals who are committed to advanced spiritual growth to continue their spiritual journey without drastic changes in their lifestyle or location.

We are also here to help spiritual professionals/actitioners in enhancing their own spiritual progress.

What if I feel I'm already self-directing my spiritual growth effectively?

As long as you have a spiritual mentor that can provide you periodic objective feedback, you do not need our Programs for spiritual direction.  In this case, our community can provide you with a spiritual community of like-minded and committed initiates.  

Do I have to give up my affiliations with other organizations?

No, in fact we encourage everyone to maintain or create local relationships that can foster spiritual growth. This is why we chose to embrace various spiritual Path venues.  The only conflict that may arise is if a local organization maintains an "ours is the only way" attitude and orientation to spiritual growth and fulfillment.

How do I make a decision on which Path to choose and pursue?

Both the Accelerated Spiritual Growth and Crossroads Consulting Programs are designed to help you with this important decision.  In addition, our Self-Directed Paths are designed to help you understand the uniqueness of each Path without a major investment of time or money.  

If you're like many on the Spiritual Path, there's a good chance that you will utilize more than one Path over a period of time.  Even though each Path is unique, there are many spiritual practices that are common to all these Paths. 

How does your spiritual mentoring differ from other New Age spiritual programs, teachers and/or therapy?

Many spiritual teachers and programs are rooted in the Piscean Age orientation of guru/chela, teacher/ student or savior/disciple.  Although these are very effective for spiritual growth, we are now past the beginning cycles of the Aquarian Age.  This is why we have committed to provide fully Aquarian based mentoring and programs.  

Our Aquarian orientation means that each individual will maintain responsibility for growth and life consequences.  Our mentors will not take on the karma of the individual, even for a period of time. Nor will the mentor gain the growth that this Piscean method has provided the savior/teacher/guru over the last 2500 years.  

Self-initiating and self-directed spiritual growth is ultimately a must for every initiate.  Our Living Spirit community has been created to provide programs and assistance for the percentage of those who are ready for this type of growth.

 Community benefits

Individuals:  Programs for accelerating your growth

Authors:  Ways to get your manuscript published & promoted 

Practitioners: Tools to better promote your practice

Groups/Ministers:  Help in building your local community 

Join our community.  It’s Free!